Those suffering from erectile dysfunction should be on the lookout for Cenforce 100 blue pill, which can help men regain their libido and achieve that powerful erection. However, before taking it, it is important to know the side effects, symptoms and precautions for using the medication.
Several clinical trials have shown sildenafil to help male impotence. Sildenafil is an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5). PDE5 is involved in the relaxation of penile erectile tissues during sexual stimulation.
Sildenafil was first studied for high blood pressure. This drug has since been approved for treatment of idiopathic pulmonary hypertension (PAH).
In the first trials, the drug showed an increase in erections and an increase in blood flow to the penis. However, there was no significant difference between the groups for the rate of response.
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